Steuern smart und nachhaltig planen: Als erfahrener Steuerexperte für die Interessen der Kunden kämpfen.
Andreas Müller hat langjährige Erfahrung in der nationalen und internationalen Steuerberatung. Zu seinen Kunden zählen Schweizer Unternehmen, Headquarters ausländischer Gruppen, UHNIs und Family Offices.
Andreas Müller kennt die Industriesektoren Real Estate, Life Sciences und Commodities sehr gut. Er hat detaillierte Kenntnisse in den Bereichen internationale Migration, M&A, Business Model Consulting, Liegenschaftssteuern, Vertretung in Steuerverfahren, Pauschalbesteuerung und Steuerrecht in Liechtenstein.
Aufgrund seiner Erfahrung kennt er die Möglichkeiten, aber auch die Grenzen der Steuerplanung. Die Einhaltung nationaler und internationaler Gesetze und Standards leiten seine Beratung.
Komplexe Fragen geht er zielgerichtet und effizient an. Am Ende entstehen kreative Lösungen.
2002 | Eidg. dipl. Steuerexperte |
1997 | Anwalts- und Notariatspatent |
1994 | Universität Zürich (lic. iur.) |
Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch
seit 2014 | Tax Partner bei MME |
2006 - 2014 | International Tax Partner / Head International Markets, KPMG AG, Zürich |
2004 - 2006 | Head Swiss Center of Excellence, KPMG LLP, New York City / USA |
1999 - 2004 | Corporate Tax, KPMG AG, Zürich |
1995 - 1999 | Auditor Verwaltungsgericht Zug und Consultant bei einer Zürcher Steuerberatungsfirma |
‘I would like to say that Andreas Müller never hesitates to walk the extra mile to deliver an excellent service. He is also often available on short notice. Due to his excellent knowledge of the Swiss tax law and practice, he is able to provide advice very quickly.’
‘Andreas Müller impresses with his tax competence, his appearance, his personality. The added-value and value-for-the-money are incomparably good. We are very proud of our partnership with MME.’
‘Andreas Müller has always distinguished himself as a very experienced, innovative and pragmatic advisor who efficiently and effectively handles our tax matters. Special mention should be made of his experience in the real estate sector.’
‘Andreas Müller is a very experienced tax partner with excellent technical know-how in corporate taxation and is particularly familiar with Swiss real estate tax. He is well known in the Swiss real estate industry. He has bright ideas and a very pragmatic approach to solving complex tax problems. He’s fun to work with.’
‘Andreas Müller: the contact is always highly professional on a business level and extremely competent in all areas of the Swiss tax system. His motivation and passion for tax issues is outstanding. The business relationship with Mr. Müller is based on an extraordinary degree of trust.’
‘We work with the partner Andreas Mueller and experts Patrick Unternaeher and Dr. Hagen Luckhaupt. Andreas has an outstanding knowledge of Swiss Federal and Zug Cantonal law and practice. He is an excellent problem solver and a top level negotiator. He is an exceptional communicator as well. Patrick and Hagen also have excellent knowledge, and on the top of that are very good presenters and extremely skillful in drafting documents and presentations.’