
Mediation / Dispute Resolution

Keeping a cool head in difficult situations and remaining solution-oriented: we help to resolve conflicts amicably, constructively, and out of court.

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Conflicts and in particular appearing in court can be stressful for all parties involved. Consequently, an increasing number of arguing parties seek an extrajudicial solution for their dispute, aiming to preserve their relationship for the future. Through voluntary, professional mediation or facilitation, matters in dispute can often be resolved amicably. Both processes rely on the willingness of the conflicting parties to reach an agreement with neutral external support, while establishing a reasonable balance of their different needs and interests.

In a mediation, the mediators act as neutral facilitators, representing no party and making no decisions during the process. Instead, they take responsibility for a constructive structure of the conversation. They support the possible reconciliation of the parties, promote and respect their autonomy and self-responsibility, and make the different realities of the negotiating partners transparent. The goals are always to rebuild direct communication between the parties, to find an amicable solution and preserve the relationship.

The fundamental techniques of mediation are also applied in facilitation or alternative dispute resolution. However, the conflicting parties wish to develop possible joint solutions with the mediator. Mediators are experienced, neutral conflict managers who present suitable proposals to the parties in order to resolve the conflict.

Together with the MME mediation team, you can find consensus solutions for:

  • property disputes between individuals
  • inheritance conflicts and estate disputes
  • succession in family businesses
  • contract disputes between companies
  • conflicts in corporate mergers and acquisitions
  • shareholder conflicts
  • team conflicts, internal company and personnel conflicts
  • condominium associations
  • neighbourhood conflicts
  • office and practice communities
  • disputes in NGOs and non-profit organizations

MME Mediations-Hub


  • Cennet Sulcani


    If you have any questions, our assistant Cennet Sulcani is at your disposal.

    Contact us

Your Mediation-Team

Our certified mediators look forward to hearing from you.